Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve posted here. I’ve been kinda busy, tons of travel, sending a kid off to college, BlackHat and DefCon and DerbyCon, lots of engagement with customers around the idea of a mature vulnerability management program. It’s been busy. No excuse, though. Although some of my content and thoughts can be found over at the RSA Conference Blog. So, I’ve got that going for me anyway.
Be that as it may, I’ve been thinking about something and thought I would put it out there.
I often hear that perfection when it comes to risk is critical for airlines and the aviation industry. But that perfection is not possible for the security industry and we just have to do our best. Now, let’s think about this for a minute. Does it really makes sense to just blithely say we can’t do it, throw our hands in the air and give up?
When I was a kid growing up I remember roughly an airplane crash almost once a week on the evening news. It was sort of common place. Today? We are shocked when it happens. This chart, which is available from Plane Crash Info, makes really clear the change over the past 40 years.
Notice the steep decline that began around 1990. How did this happen? Simple, the aviation industry made a very clear choice to reduce risk. Instead of shooting for perfection, though, they spent time identifying risks and deciding how to eliminate the risks. They took each small thing that posed the risk of an accident and found a way to reduce or eliminate the risk. The chart above is impressive considering the dramatic increase in passengers, planes and miles flown that began around 1990.
Now, let’s do a thought experiment. Suppose that the risk reduction efforts hadn’t happened starting in the 1980’s. As the number of planes, passengers and miles flown doubled and then tripled, what would that chart look like? How many crashes would occur regularly? Fatalities? Impact to airline profitability? Impact to flying trends? Costs of insurance? And so on.
We security types need to look at the aviation industry for our model. Each time we identify something that poses the risk of a breach, we need to invest in that small risk reduction. Rather than trying for perfection, we need to address each small thing, every day. Incremental improvement. And suddenly you will look back and realize that your risk posture today is much lower than it was in the past. Your chart can look like this one.
Take your pick. I know which way I will go.